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PCSAS Review Committee Releases a Study Concerning the Characteristics of PCSAS Students Applying for Internship and Predictors of Match Outcomes 

The PCSAS Review Committee (RC) frequently is asked whether normative data are available for characteristics of PCSAS-accredited programs, their current students, their graduates, and their faculty. One of the most common requests is for normative data at the time of internship application, including students’ clinical hours, productivity, etc. Thus, as a part of the Annual Report process in the fall of 2022, the RC asked DCTs to provide the clinical hours and CVs of all students applying for internship. In the spring of 2023, the RC asked DCTs to provide outcome information for these applicants. The overarching goals of the study were: (1) Describe students in PCSAS-accredited programs at the time of internship application: publication of journal articles and chapters, receipt of federally funded and competitive national fellowships or grants, intervention and assessment hours, and years in the program, (2) Characterize three aspects of internship outcomes for PCSAS-accredited programs: match rate, percent matching at an APCS site (as a very rough proxy for a clinical-science internship), and student ranking of the site at which they matched, and (3) Examine several potential correlates of these three aspects of internship outcomes for PCSAS-accredited programs: publication of journal articles and chapters; receipt of federally funded and competitive national fellowships or grants; intervention, assessment, and total direct-contact hours; and years in the program.