Category: Predoctoral Internship Preparation
The History and Future of Preparing for Predoctoral Internship Programs
Gabriella Memba, M.A., University at Buffalo Coming from a clinical science background, I approached the predoctoral internship application process as I would a research paper. I spent days upon days scouring the internet and speaking with my colleagues and mentors in an effort to learn as much as I could about the Do’s and Don’ts…
PCSAS Review Committee Releases a Study Concerning the Characteristics of PCSAS Students Applying for Internship and Predictors of Match Outcomes
The PCSAS Review Committee (RC) frequently is asked whether normative data are available for characteristics of PCSAS-accredited programs, their current students, their graduates, and their faculty. One of the most common requests is for normative data at the time of internship application, including students’ clinical hours, productivity, etc. Thus, as a part of the Annual…