Accreditation procedures are designed to take applicant programs through several stages of documentation, review, and analysis. Depending on the outcome of a review, PCSAS may require varying amounts of additional follow-up reporting. The normal review cycle for programs receiving accreditation is every ten years; however, PCSAS requires annual reports and may request a more detailed intra-cycle review if concerns from annual reports or other information warrant closer monitoring. A program’s accreditation status may be changed at any point during the ten-year cycle if the Review Committee (RC) determines, based on new information, that a program’s performance no longer merits accreditation. PCSAS uses the same template for first-time accreditation applications as well as for renewals of existing accreditation.
For existing programs seeking PCSAS accreditation for the first time, the process begins with the submission of a Letter of Intent (LOI), which if approved is followed by the submission of a self-study. The instructions for the LOI can be found here. The current application template for existing programs applying for PCSAS accreditation for the first time or for renewals of existing accreditation can be found here. LOIs are not required for accreditation renewals.