Tag: Research Methods
Overcoming Challenges in Preregistration to Improve Statistical Inferences in Clinical Science
By Jeremy Eberle, M.A., University of Virginia Preregistration of hypotheses and analysis plans on a public, time-stamped registry (e.g., Open Science Framework; OSF) before observing research outcomes promotes transparency and distinguishes planned from unplanned analyses, thereby guarding against selective reporting, improving validity of inferences for planned analyses, and enabling calibration of confidence for unplanned analyses…
Marginalized Populations Deserve Our Very Best: Measurement Invariance as the Foundation of Mental Health Disparities Research
by Riley McDanal, M.A., Stony Brook University Our ability to understand and reduce mental health problems among marginalized groups rests, in part, on our ability to accurately measure disparities in mental health problems across groups with different levels of privilege. If our measures are inadequate, then so will be our results, conclusions, and applications. When we use a…
The Need for Good Practices in Quantitative Methods for Clinical Students
by Julianna R. Calabrese, The Ohio State University Quantitative methods are critical for psychological research and are fundamental to psychology curricula. Structural equation modeling, item response theory, and multilevel modeling have recently been brought to the forefront in graduate curriculums (Aiken et al., 2008). In parallel, recent research in journals have employed increasingly advanced statistical techniques…