Tag: Research Mentorship

  • Revise and Resubmit: Tips for Successful Response to Reviewer Feedback

    First off, congratulations on receiving a revise and resubmit! Before you do anything else (including reading the rest of this article) go treat yourself, whether that means grabbing a fancy coffee, going for a long walk with a good friend, or binge watching your favorite series on Netflix (go ahead, I’ll wait).  Okay, now that…

  • A Guide to Peer Reviewing for Clinical Science Students

    A Guide to Peer Reviewing for Clinical Science Students

    by Lauren Oddo and Melanie Arenson, University of Maryland, College Park Writing, publishing, and editing are critical skills for graduate students, but most receive little to no training in these domains (Badenhorst & Xu, 2016; O’Hara, et al., 2019; Hopwood, 2010; Doran et al, 2014). In this article, we describe the benefits of peer reviewing, detail…