Tag: Psychopathology

  • Why Clinical Scientists Should Care About Genetics

    Why Clinical Scientists Should Care About Genetics

    by Sarah E. Paul, M.A., Washington University in St. Louis Psychopathology is moderately-to-highly heritable, with ~30-80% of the population variance in mental illness attributable to genetic influences (Pettersson et al., 2019; Polderman et al., 2015). The field of psychiatric genetics is making new discoveries at an extraordinarily rapid pace, paralleling the dramatic reduction in cost of…

  • Translating Neuroscientific Methods into the Psychology Clinic

    Translating Neuroscientific Methods into the Psychology Clinic

    by Brett Schneider, University of Wisconsin-Madison  Researchers investigating the neural underpinnings of mental illness have been developing tasks designed to capture transdiagnostic symptomology for decades. However, little to none of this work has improved the diagnosis or treatment of mental health disorders (Rogers, 2017). In this article, I will describe how clinicians and researchers can utilize…