Tag: Psychology Training
The History and Future of Preparing for Predoctoral Internship Programs
Gabriella Memba, M.A., University at Buffalo Coming from a clinical science background, I approached the predoctoral internship application process as I would a research paper. I spent days upon days scouring the internet and speaking with my colleagues and mentors in an effort to learn as much as I could about the Do’s and Don’ts…
General Advice and Experience Creating an External Practicum Site
By Samantha Dashineau, M.S., Purdue University Students in clinical psychology programs may choose to create their own external practicum experiences for a variety of reasons. For me, the internal clinic in my program did not accept clients with eating disorders, which meant I was not able to work with a clinical population of interest during internal…
Time to Change: Financial Challenges and Alternatives to the Clinical Internship System
By Matt Matoni, M.A., Temple University The clinical internship has long been fundamental to clinical psychology training programs. It provides a unique opportunity to directly apply what we have learned over the past years and gain new training from clinical experts in a chosen area. Moreover, the supervised training and service provision is critical to accreditation…
How to Prepare for Clinical Internship Early
By Alexander Williams, M.S., Northwestern University Preparing internship applications is among the most time consuming and effortful tasks of a clinical trainee. My intent here is to provide clinical graduate students early in their graduate years (years 1-4; at least a year out from the application cycle) with general internship principles and tips that I have…
On Planning the Clinical Science Summit
by Cindy Yee-Bradbury, Ph.D., Past-President, Academy of Psychological Clinical Science (APCS) In 2019, I began to consider priorities that would focus my efforts as the newly-elected president of the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science (APCS). One immediate goal was to reduce barriers to a clinical science education, which we began…
Since the Summit: Future Directions
by Tom Rodebaugh, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Since the Summit, the Planning Committee has been working on how to move the work of the Summit out into the world. (See Cindy Yee-Bradbury’s description of the background of the Summit for more details about the planning committee.) I…
Advice for APPIC Virtual Internship Interviews from Someone Who Just Completed the Process
by Lili Gloe, MAMichigan State University Virtual psychology internship interviews have become the norm during COVID-19. In 2021, 98% of internship programs conducted their interviews exclusively virtually and many continued to do so in 2022. And it seems likely that, in some capacity, virtual internship interviews are here to stay (see APPIC 2021 Survey results).…
A Call for Social Justice Advocacy in Clinical Science Training Program
by Sarah E. Paul, M.A., Washington University in St. Louis It should not be news to anyone that clinical scientists and training programs have a long way to go to achieve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in clinical training, research, and practice. Nor should it be a surprise that the field of psychology has a reprehensible…
Selflessly Selfish: Barriers and Recommendations for Self-Care
by Tyler McFayden, M.S., Virginia Tech The day to day of a graduate student is, overall, markedly selfless– we care for our lab, conduct work for our mentor, provide mentorship to undergraduate students, counsel our cohort, and primarily provide clinical services to those in need in our communities. Graduate studies are full of pressures to…
Do Clinical Science Programs Need GRE Scores in Admissions this Year, or Ever?
by Isabelle Lanser & Alexandra S. Tanner, University of California, Los Angeles As the field of psychology and the clinical science community in particular examine the ways our field has historically been complicit in the discrimination and oppression of marginalized groups, it is important to re-examine the structure of our current training programs to identify…
PCSAS By the Numbers
by Alan G. Kraut, PCSAS Executive Director Here’s all you need to know about PCSAS: 43 10 53 98 4 90 28 15 …