Tag: Psychology Education

  • University of Pittsburgh is Reaccredited

    On July 3, 2024, the PCSAS Review Committee voted to reaccredit the clinical science program at the University of Pittsburgh. The PCSAS Board of Directors endorsed the RC’s vote. Congratulations to our colleagues at Pitt!

  • University of Rochester Now Accredited by PCSAS

    In a meeting held on May 22, 2024, the PCSAS Review Committee voted to grant accreditation to the University of Rochester’s clinical science program. The PCSAS Board of Directors endorsed that decision. The University of Rochester becomes the 48th program to be recognized by PCSAS. We welcome our colleagues from Rochester to the PCSAS family.

  • Emory University Reaccredited

    On May 22, 2024, the PCSAS Review Committee voted to reaccredit Emory University. The PCSAS Board of Directors endorsed the RC’s vote. Congratulations to our colleagues at Emory!

  • University of Miami now accredited by PCSAS

    In a February meeting, the PCSAS Review Committee voted to grant accreditation to the University of Miami’s clinical science program. The PCSAS Board of Directors endorsed that decision. The University of Miami becomes the 47th program to be recognized by PCSAS. We welcome our colleagues from the University of Miami to the PCSAS family.

  • PCSAS Student Town Hall Held on 1/26/24

    Joanne Davila, President of the PCSAS Board of Directors, and Joe Steinmetz, PCSAS Executive Director, met with students from several PCSAS programs to answer questions posed by the students. A link to a recording of the Town Hall can be found here.

  • Reflections from a Department Chair

    Reflections from a Department Chair

    by Annette Stanton, Ph.D., Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology (COGDOP)          When I was invited to join the planning committee for the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science Summit on Clinical Science Training as a representative from the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology (COGDOP), I readily accepted. My doctoral training was…

  • PCSAS and the Summit

    PCSAS and the Summit

    by Joanne Davila, Ph.D., President, Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS) Board of Directors         On May 4-5, 2023, the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science held a Summit on Clinical Science Training at the Eric P. Newman Education Center at Washington University in St. Louis. The purpose of the Summit was to…

  • Training the Next Generation of Clinical Psychologists: How Do We Move the Field Forward?

    Training the Next Generation of Clinical Psychologists: How Do We Move the Field Forward?

    by David A. Sbarra, Ph.D., University of Arizona & Howard Berenbaum, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Let’s begin with a thought experiment. Close your eyes and try to forget everything you know about what clinical psychologists do and how they are trained. Forget clinical hours. Forget internship. Forget classes, requirements, advisors, and advisees. Just let…

  • What is the APA? A Brief History

    What is the APA? A Brief History

    by Julia S. Yarrington, M.A., University of California, Los Angeles The American Psychological Association (APA) has become an increasingly contentious body in the field of psychology. Although the APA holds a number of responsibilities, the organization is perhaps most salient to students and faculty through its role in establishing professional standards for psychologists. In keeping…

  • Assessing the Integration of Sociocultural Considerations in Clinical Science Programs

    Assessing the Integration of Sociocultural Considerations in Clinical Science Programs

    by Isabelle Lanser & Alexandra S. Tanner, University of California, Los AngelesAs the field of psychology and the clinical science community in particular examine the ways our field has historically been complicit in the discrimination and oppression of marginalized groups, it is important to re-examine the structure of our current training programs to identify opportunities…

  • Racism in Clinical Science and Academia Today and Ways to Enact Change

    Racism in Clinical Science and Academia Today and Ways to Enact Change

    by Yehsong Kim, University of Southern California There is a social movement afoot to root out anti-Black racism in our society. Racism—the belief that someone is less than because of the color of their skin and the subsequent oppression, exclusion, limitation, or discrimination of non-dominant racial groups that occurs—has been a part of the history…