Tag: Professional Development

  • The Greatest Barrier to Open Access: The Pay to Play Model of Academic Publishing

    The Greatest Barrier to Open Access: The Pay to Play Model of Academic Publishing

    by Thomas Harrison, M.A., Stony Brook University The concept of increasing scientific communication originates in academic publishing in 1665 (Fyfe, 2015). Indeed, the longest running scientific journal, the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society was founded to embody empirical philosophy set forth by Sir Frances Bacon (The Royal Publishing Society, n.dab). Here, the sole goal…

  • Dear Therapists: An Interview with Lori Gottlieb on Navigating Graduate School and Beyond

    Dear Therapists: An Interview with Lori Gottlieb on Navigating Graduate School and Beyond

    by Madeline Pike, M.A., Temple University Lori Gottlieb is a psychotherapist, New York Times bestselling author of “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone” and “Marry Him,” TED Speaker, co-host of the popular “Dear Therapists” podcast, and “Dear Therapist” columnist for The Atlantic. Her books have sold over one million copies worldwide. In her work, Lori…

  • General Advice and Experience Creating an External Practicum Site

    General Advice and Experience Creating an External Practicum Site

    By Samantha Dashineau, M.S., Purdue University Students in clinical psychology programs may choose to create their own external practicum experiences for a variety of reasons. For me, the internal clinic in my program did not accept clients with eating disorders, which meant I was not able to work with a clinical population of interest during internal…

  • Since the Summit: Future Directions

    Since the Summit: Future Directions

    by Tom Rodebaugh, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill            Since the Summit, the Planning Committee has been working on how to move the work of the Summit out into the world. (See Cindy Yee-Bradbury’s description of the background of the Summit for more details about the planning committee.) I…

  • Tangible Steps for Clinical Students to Navigate Conflicting Demands and the Advisor-advisee Relationship

    Tangible Steps for Clinical Students to Navigate Conflicting Demands and the Advisor-advisee Relationship

    by Shannon E. Grogans, M.S. & Nicholas P. Marsh, M.S., University of Maryland Among the most important factors for determining a great doctoral program experience is having a successful relationship with your mentor (Gee et al., 2022; Sverdlick et al., 2018). Most of us likely enter the application process hoping for this, but unfortunately for some students,…

  • A Guide to Peer Reviewing for Clinical Science Students

    A Guide to Peer Reviewing for Clinical Science Students

    by Lauren Oddo and Melanie Arenson, University of Maryland, College Park Writing, publishing, and editing are critical skills for graduate students, but most receive little to no training in these domains (Badenhorst & Xu, 2016; O’Hara, et al., 2019; Hopwood, 2010; Doran et al, 2014). In this article, we describe the benefits of peer reviewing, detail…

  • Training the Next Generation of Clinical Psychologists: How Do We Move the Field Forward?

    Training the Next Generation of Clinical Psychologists: How Do We Move the Field Forward?

    by David A. Sbarra, Ph.D., University of Arizona & Howard Berenbaum, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Let’s begin with a thought experiment. Close your eyes and try to forget everything you know about what clinical psychologists do and how they are trained. Forget clinical hours. Forget internship. Forget classes, requirements, advisors, and advisees. Just let…

  • I Got An Invite! Now What?

    I Got An Invite! Now What?

    by Molly Bowdring, University of Pittsburgh Now that the internship application season has come to a close, students who have gone through the process are eager to share strategies aimed at helping you to minimize your burden and maximize your likelihood of success. Specifically, we highlight approaches for navigating one aspect of the application process:…

  • Licensure and PCSAS: Commonalities and Differences Across States

    Licensure and PCSAS: Commonalities and Differences Across States

    by Stephanie L. Haft, UC Berkeley After graduate school, internship, and postdoc, there is still one more step to complete in order to independently work with clients as a psychologist: licensure. To be licensed, all states have requirements that are typically under the jurisdiction of state licensing boards. The state uses these licensing requirements to establish…

  • Raising a Family While Attending Graduate School

    Raising a Family While Attending Graduate School

    by Brett Boeh Bergmann, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign Living up to being a clinical scientist involves juggling many hats. Many of us find our time stretched between research and clinical work with the hope that the two might inform one another to live up to the evidenced-based principles lauded by our training programs.…