Tag: Mental Health Disparities

  • Evidence-Based Interventions for Youth of Color: State of the Current Literature

    Evidence-Based Interventions for Youth of Color: State of the Current Literature

    By Anamiguel Pomales Ramos, M.A., Michigan State University As psychosocial interventions are implemented and disseminated in the community, there have been growing concerns about the perceived fit and generalizability of evidence-based practices to racial-ethnic minoritized groups. Interventions for children and adolescents have been predominantly developed and tested with non-Latine, white samples living in well-resourced communities. The…

  • Marginalized Populations Deserve Our Very Best: Measurement Invariance as the Foundation of Mental Health Disparities Research

    Marginalized Populations Deserve Our Very Best: Measurement Invariance as the Foundation of Mental Health Disparities Research

    by Riley McDanal, M.A., Stony Brook University Our ability to understand and reduce mental health problems among marginalized groups rests, in part, on our ability to accurately measure disparities in mental health problems across groups with different levels of privilege. If our measures are inadequate, then so will be our results, conclusions, and applications. When we use a…

  • Mental Health in Communities of Color Emerging from the Pandemic

    Mental Health in Communities of Color Emerging from the Pandemic

    by Erika Roach, M.A., University of California, Berkeley Mental Health in Communities of Color Emerging from the Pandemic The COVID-19 era has been challenging on multiple fronts. While some degree of normalcy is emerging, so too are the mental health ramifications of the past year. As Dr. David Williams, Harvard Professor of Public Health, said, “There…

  • Using a Trauma-Informed Lens for Understanding Experiences of Discrimination

    Using a Trauma-Informed Lens for Understanding Experiences of Discrimination

    by Keisha D. Novak, Adilene Osnaya, Allycen R. Kurup, & Kelly L. LeMaire, Purdue University Racism, sexism, heterosexism, and other prejudicial attitudes pervade health and mental health care (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001; Carter, 1995, 2005). For example, racial disparities have persisted for decades such that Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) face myriad…

  • Student Spotlight: Alayna Park

    Student Spotlight: Alayna Park

    by Molly Bowdring, M.S., University of Pittsburgh  The PCSAS Newsletter will regularly feature “Spotlights,” which aim to highlight students and early career researchers from different PCSAS programs and the excellent work they are doing. The present article focuses on Dr. Alayna Park, a recent graduate from the UCLA Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program. Dr. Park has just…

  • Assessing the Integration of Sociocultural Considerations in Clinical Science Programs

    Assessing the Integration of Sociocultural Considerations in Clinical Science Programs

    by Isabelle Lanser & Alexandra S. Tanner, University of California, Los AngelesAs the field of psychology and the clinical science community in particular examine the ways our field has historically been complicit in the discrimination and oppression of marginalized groups, it is important to re-examine the structure of our current training programs to identify opportunities…

  • Racism in Clinical Science and Academia Today and Ways to Enact Change

    Racism in Clinical Science and Academia Today and Ways to Enact Change

    by Yehsong Kim, University of Southern California There is a social movement afoot to root out anti-Black racism in our society. Racism—the belief that someone is less than because of the color of their skin and the subsequent oppression, exclusion, limitation, or discrimination of non-dominant racial groups that occurs—has been a part of the history…

  • What Do We Mean When We Identify Race As A Risk Factor In Psychological Research?

    What Do We Mean When We Identify Race As A Risk Factor In Psychological Research?

    by Rddhi Moodliar, University of California, Los Angeles In psychological research, associations between demographic variables and outcome variables are often assessed. Some common demographic variables include age, gender identity, race, and ethnicity. If statistically significant, these variables are often identified as risk factors for the outcome variable. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration…