Tag: Internship Preparation

  • The History and Future of Preparing for Predoctoral Internship Programs

    The History and Future of Preparing for Predoctoral Internship Programs

    Gabriella Memba, M.A., University at Buffalo Coming from a clinical science background, I approached the predoctoral internship application process as I would a research paper. I spent days upon days scouring the internet and speaking with my colleagues and mentors in an effort to learn as much as I could about the Do’s and Don’ts…

  • How to Prepare for Clinical Internship Early

    How to Prepare for Clinical Internship Early

    By Alexander Williams, M.S., Northwestern University Preparing internship applications is among the most time consuming and effortful tasks of a clinical trainee. My intent here is to provide clinical graduate students early in their graduate years (years 1-4; at least a year out from the application cycle) with general internship principles and tips that I have…

  • Current and Anticipated Mental Health Effects of COVID-19

    Current and Anticipated Mental Health Effects of COVID-19

    by Stephanie L. Haft, B.A., University of California, Berkeley Previous research has demonstrated that pandemics carry a heavy psychological toll. Consistent with these findings, in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic clinical scientists are witnessing an escalation in mental health issues. This increase in both the severity and prevalence of mental health concerns is…

  • What Does it Take to be a Competitive Internship Applicant?

    What Does it Take to be a Competitive Internship Applicant?

    by Iony D. Ezawa, M.A., The Ohio State University Applying to and making it through graduate school takes a lot of work, but before you reach the end, there is the internship application process. While graduate school is focused on preparing you to be a researcher, a clinician, a teacher, and more, you may still…

  • I Got An Invite! Now What?

    I Got An Invite! Now What?

    by Molly Bowdring, University of Pittsburgh Now that the internship application season has come to a close, students who have gone through the process are eager to share strategies aimed at helping you to minimize your burden and maximize your likelihood of success. Specifically, we highlight approaches for navigating one aspect of the application process:…