Tag: Higher Education
Underpaid and Overworked: Lessons Learned from the UC Graduate Student Strike
By Anna Porter, M.A., University of Missouri-Columbia On December 23rd, 2022, the University of California system and 36,000 graduate student workers reached an agreement, effectively ending the largest higher education strike in the U.S. This historic six-week strike resulted in several beneficial changes for graduate workers, including increased pay, childcare reimbursement, expanded paid leave, and campus fee…
Psychoeducation Embedded into Core Curriculum for College Students: One Strategy to Help Close College Student Mental Healthcare Treatment Gaps
by Shannon Savell, M.A., University of Virginia Many clinical psychology graduate students serve the college students at their home institutions in their training clinics. In my opinion, it is essential that we are also critically thinking and contributing to structural and systemic efforts to help close the mental health treatment gaps for college students seeking mental healthcare. Even…
From Mentee to Mentor: Tips on How to Effectively Mentor Undergraduate Students as a Graduate Student
by Anna Maralit, B.A., University of Missouri Graduate students often engage in informal mentoring of undergraduate students in their roles as graduate teaching and research assistants, however, little attention has been given to understanding and improving mentoring relationships between graduate students and undergraduate students (Brown, 2016). As we are often close in age to undergraduates who may…
Beyond the Curriculum On Beginning Graduate School
by Matt Mattoni, Temple University Beginning graduate school is a unique and complicated experience. There is excitement to work with people who share your interests, the allure of a new city, and above all, the feeling of finally reaching your goal after countless hours of work, stress, and doubt. Conversely, from the immediate “where should I…
Alan Kraut Farewell Letter
by Robert W. Levenson, University of California, Berkeley As many of you know, Alan Kraut is stepping down after serving for six years as the Executive Director of PCSAS. This is truly a bittersweet moment for us all. On the one hand, we will greatly miss Alan’s steady hand, tireless energy, sophisticated knowledge, and sense…
The Minority Student Experience and a Call for Latinx Solidaridad with BLM
by Eve Rosenfeld, University at Buffalo Across the board, psychology graduate students of color face significant barriers compared to White students. For example, students of color rarely see themselves represented in their mentors, supervisors, and institutional leadership. This lack of representation makes it difficult for students of color to identify with professional role models and…