Tag: Graduate School Advice

  • Dear Therapists: An Interview with Lori Gottlieb on Navigating Graduate School and Beyond

    Dear Therapists: An Interview with Lori Gottlieb on Navigating Graduate School and Beyond

    by Madeline Pike, M.A., Temple University Lori Gottlieb is a psychotherapist, New York Times bestselling author of “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone” and “Marry Him,” TED Speaker, co-host of the popular “Dear Therapists” podcast, and “Dear Therapist” columnist for The Atlantic. Her books have sold over one million copies worldwide. In her work, Lori…

  • I Got An Invite! Now What?

    I Got An Invite! Now What?

    by Molly Bowdring, University of Pittsburgh Now that the internship application season has come to a close, students who have gone through the process are eager to share strategies aimed at helping you to minimize your burden and maximize your likelihood of success. Specifically, we highlight approaches for navigating one aspect of the application process:…