Tag: Early Childhood
Impacts and Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on Early Childhood Socioemotional Development
by Gretchen Perhamus M.A., University at Buffalo A growing literature has highlighted the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on academic, social, and emotional development of children and adolescents. From a life course theory perspective, COVID-19 disruptions in early childhood (i.e., younger than age 8) may be particularly impactful and have both immediate and longstanding effects with important…
Considerations for Collecting Psychophysiological Data in Early Childhood
by Gabriela Memba, M.A., University at Buffalo Over the past few decades, the field of clinical psychology has incorporated physiology-based theory and methodology into its research (Cacioppo et al., 2007). This growing field of study is known as psychophysiology, which is defined as the scientific study of social, psychological, and behavioral phenomena and their relation…
Science Communication: 6 Reasons for Increased Public Engagement among Clinical Psychologists
by Matt Mattoni, Temple University No academic field relates to our experience of everyday life as much as psychology: our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and social life are all wrapped into this one subject. It is unsurprising that psychology has become one of the most popular college majors, and that innumerable books, movies, and shows build…
Integrating a Developmental Psychopathology Framework into Therapeutic Practice
by Sky Cardwell, M.S., Pennsylvania State University As clinical science training models emphasize the importance of integrated clinical research and practice, I believe developmental psychology frameworks should be incorporated. The field of developmental psychopathology seeks to examine the development and maintenance of psychopathologies and the pathways and mechanisms involved in this development (Hinshaw, 2017). Though developmental…