Tag: DEIJ in Psychology

  • Equity and Justice in Clinical Science: A Student Perspective

    Equity and Justice in Clinical Science: A Student Perspective

    by Jaisal Merchant, M.A., Washington University in St. Louis             As a clinical science graduate student engaged in efforts to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) in our training programs, I was honored to be part of the introductory talk on Equity and Justice in Clinical Science at the APCS…

  • PCSAS and the Summit

    PCSAS and the Summit

    by Joanne Davila, Ph.D., President, Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS) Board of Directors         On May 4-5, 2023, the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science held a Summit on Clinical Science Training at the Eric P. Newman Education Center at Washington University in St. Louis. The purpose of the Summit was to…