Tag: Counseling
Integrating Single-Session Intervention Approaches Into Clinical Training Programs
by Riley McDanal, Stony Brook University At a time when so many people struggle to access necessary care, single-session intervention approaches can connect such individuals with immediate, action-oriented support. In turn, these single-session interventions offer training clinicians experience with a variety of clientele and presenting problems, count toward clinical hours, require minimal supervision, and bring in…
Student Perspectives on Culturally Informed Case Formulation
by Jennifer Pearlstein & Alice Hua, University of California, Berkeley Given recent mobilization in response to police killings of Black people, we as clinical scientists are reminded again of the extensive evidence documenting the detrimental effects of racism on mental health (Carter et al., 2019; Paradies et al., 2015; Pieterse et al., 2012). We are trained…