Tag: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  • Can Natural Language-based Artificial Intelligence Systems Address Psychopathology?

    Can Natural Language-based Artificial Intelligence Systems Address Psychopathology?

    By Alexander Williams, M.S., Northwestern University Despite a proliferation of evidence-based practices (e.g., Hollon et al., 2006; Tolin, 2010), there is no compelling evidence that mental health problems have decreased in prevalence in recent decades. Indeed, at least among adolescents, the available evidence more frequently points to the increasing prevalence of psychological distress, depression, and suicide-related outcomes…

  • Treatment Considerations for Clinicians Working with Clients During the Transition to Parenthood

    Treatment Considerations for Clinicians Working with Clients During the Transition to Parenthood

    By Shannon Savell, M.A., University of Virginia For many, the experience of the transition to parenthood feels starkly different from traditional media portrayal or colloquially how it is described as a time of immense joy and purpose and deepened love between partners. This is why it may be shocking to some that despite being a highly…

  • Chatbots: The Future of Psychotherapy?

    Chatbots: The Future of Psychotherapy?

    by Linnea Sepe-Forrest, Indiana University Bloomington In an ideal world, there would be enough therapists to serve everyone’s needs across the world. Therapists would not experience any burnout or require high compensation for their services. While this sounds like an impossible feat, many companies are attempting to address unmet therapeutic needs by providing psychotherapy through artificial intelligence…