Tag: Clinical Science Training

  • PCSAS Review Committee Releases a Study Concerning the Characteristics of PCSAS Students Applying for Internship and Predictors of Match Outcomes 

    The PCSAS Review Committee (RC) frequently is asked whether normative data are available for characteristics of PCSAS-accredited programs, their current students, their graduates, and their faculty. One of the most common requests is for normative data at the time of internship application, including students’ clinical hours, productivity, etc. Thus, as a part of the Annual…

  • Equity and Justice in Clinical Science: A Student Perspective

    Equity and Justice in Clinical Science: A Student Perspective

    by Jaisal Merchant, M.A., Washington University in St. Louis             As a clinical science graduate student engaged in efforts to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) in our training programs, I was honored to be part of the introductory talk on Equity and Justice in Clinical Science at the APCS…

  • Reflections from a Department Chair

    Reflections from a Department Chair

    by Annette Stanton, Ph.D., Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology (COGDOP)          When I was invited to join the planning committee for the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science Summit on Clinical Science Training as a representative from the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology (COGDOP), I readily accepted. My doctoral training was…

  • PCSAS and the Summit

    PCSAS and the Summit

    by Joanne Davila, Ph.D., President, Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS) Board of Directors         On May 4-5, 2023, the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science held a Summit on Clinical Science Training at the Eric P. Newman Education Center at Washington University in St. Louis. The purpose of the Summit was to…

  • PCSAS Newsletter Series: Surviving and Thriving in Clinical Science Training Article #2: Accessing and Acting from Wise Mind

    PCSAS Newsletter Series: Surviving and Thriving in Clinical Science Training Article #2: Accessing and Acting from Wise Mind

    by Samantha Hellberg, M.A.*, Jennifer Kirby, Ph.D.*, & Tiffany Hopkins, Ph.D.***University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill**University of North Carolina, School of Medicine Welcome back to Surviving and Thriving in Clinical Science Training! We are glad that you have stepped away from your endless task list and are considering ways to support your well-being as a…

  • Post-doc Spotlight: Shannon Blakey, PhD

    Post-doc Spotlight: Shannon Blakey, PhD

    by Samantha Hellberg, UNC Chapel Hill Dr. Shannon Blakey is a postdoctoral fellow at the VA Mid-Atlantic Mental Illness, Research, Education and Clinical Center, a translational research center at the Durham VA Health Care System. She received her PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) after completing her clinical…

  • Student Spotlight: Alayna Park

    Student Spotlight: Alayna Park

    by Molly Bowdring, M.S., University of Pittsburgh  The PCSAS Newsletter will regularly feature “Spotlights,” which aim to highlight students and early career researchers from different PCSAS programs and the excellent work they are doing. The present article focuses on Dr. Alayna Park, a recent graduate from the UCLA Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program. Dr. Park has just…