Tag: Clinical Psychology

  • Dear Therapists: An Interview with Lori Gottlieb on Navigating Graduate School and Beyond

    Dear Therapists: An Interview with Lori Gottlieb on Navigating Graduate School and Beyond

    by Madeline Pike, M.A., Temple University Lori Gottlieb is a psychotherapist, New York Times bestselling author of “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone” and “Marry Him,” TED Speaker, co-host of the popular “Dear Therapists” podcast, and “Dear Therapist” columnist for The Atlantic. Her books have sold over one million copies worldwide. In her work, Lori…

  • The History and Future of Preparing for Predoctoral Internship Programs

    The History and Future of Preparing for Predoctoral Internship Programs

    Gabriella Memba, M.A., University at Buffalo Coming from a clinical science background, I approached the predoctoral internship application process as I would a research paper. I spent days upon days scouring the internet and speaking with my colleagues and mentors in an effort to learn as much as I could about the Do’s and Don’ts…

  • University of Pittsburgh is Reaccredited

    On July 3, 2024, the PCSAS Review Committee voted to reaccredit the clinical science program at the University of Pittsburgh. The PCSAS Board of Directors endorsed the RC’s vote. Congratulations to our colleagues at Pitt!

  • University of Rochester Now Accredited by PCSAS

    In a meeting held on May 22, 2024, the PCSAS Review Committee voted to grant accreditation to the University of Rochester’s clinical science program. The PCSAS Board of Directors endorsed that decision. The University of Rochester becomes the 48th program to be recognized by PCSAS. We welcome our colleagues from Rochester to the PCSAS family.

  • Emory University Reaccredited

    On May 22, 2024, the PCSAS Review Committee voted to reaccredit Emory University. The PCSAS Board of Directors endorsed the RC’s vote. Congratulations to our colleagues at Emory!

  • General Advice and Experience Creating an External Practicum Site

    General Advice and Experience Creating an External Practicum Site

    By Samantha Dashineau, M.S., Purdue University Students in clinical psychology programs may choose to create their own external practicum experiences for a variety of reasons. For me, the internal clinic in my program did not accept clients with eating disorders, which meant I was not able to work with a clinical population of interest during internal…

  • Underpaid and Overworked: Lessons Learned from the UC Graduate Student Strike

    Underpaid and Overworked: Lessons Learned from the UC Graduate Student Strike

    By Anna Porter, M.A., University of Missouri-Columbia On December 23rd, 2022, the University of California system and 36,000 graduate student workers reached an agreement, effectively ending the largest higher education strike in the U.S. This historic six-week strike resulted in several beneficial changes for graduate workers, including increased pay, childcare reimbursement, expanded paid leave, and campus fee…

  • University of Miami now accredited by PCSAS

    In a February meeting, the PCSAS Review Committee voted to grant accreditation to the University of Miami’s clinical science program. The PCSAS Board of Directors endorsed that decision. The University of Miami becomes the 47th program to be recognized by PCSAS. We welcome our colleagues from the University of Miami to the PCSAS family.

  • Evidence-Based Interventions for Youth of Color: State of the Current Literature

    Evidence-Based Interventions for Youth of Color: State of the Current Literature

    By Anamiguel Pomales Ramos, M.A., Michigan State University As psychosocial interventions are implemented and disseminated in the community, there have been growing concerns about the perceived fit and generalizability of evidence-based practices to racial-ethnic minoritized groups. Interventions for children and adolescents have been predominantly developed and tested with non-Latine, white samples living in well-resourced communities. The…

  • Overcoming Challenges in Preregistration to Improve Statistical Inferences in Clinical Science

    Overcoming Challenges in Preregistration to Improve Statistical Inferences in Clinical Science

    By Jeremy Eberle, M.A., University of Virginia Preregistration of hypotheses and analysis plans on a public, time-stamped registry (e.g., Open Science Framework; OSF) before observing research outcomes promotes transparency and distinguishes planned from unplanned analyses, thereby guarding against selective reporting, improving validity of inferences for planned analyses, and enabling calibration of confidence for unplanned analyses…

  • How to Prepare for Clinical Internship Early

    How to Prepare for Clinical Internship Early

    By Alexander Williams, M.S., Northwestern University Preparing internship applications is among the most time consuming and effortful tasks of a clinical trainee. My intent here is to provide clinical graduate students early in their graduate years (years 1-4; at least a year out from the application cycle) with general internship principles and tips that I have…

  • What to Know as a Clinician Working with Eating Disorders for the First Time: A Trainee Primer

    What to Know as a Clinician Working with Eating Disorders for the First Time: A Trainee Primer

    By Samantha Dashineau, M.A., Purdue University Many clinical psychology programs do not explicitly train graduate student clinicians to work with certain populations, such as those diagnosed with eating disorders. As a result, trainees in these programs are often tasked with finding practicum placements to receive experience treating these populations. There are a variety of considerations that…

  • On Planning the Clinical Science Summit

    On Planning the Clinical Science Summit

    by Cindy Yee-Bradbury, Ph.D., Past-President, Academy of Psychological Clinical Science (APCS)               In 2019, I began to consider priorities that would focus my efforts as the newly-elected president of the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science (APCS). One immediate goal was to reduce barriers to a clinical science education, which we began…

  • Financial Debt and Stress in Clinical Psychology Doctoral Students

    Financial Debt and Stress in Clinical Psychology Doctoral Students

    by Erica Szkody, Ph.D.*  &  Steven Hobaica, Ph.D.*** Stony Brook University; ** The Trevor Project Graduate student debt loads are steadily rising, and financial stress remains a significant stressor for many graduate students. In our recent study (Szkody et al., 2022; (N = 912), the average clinical psychology doctoral student loan debt was $76,000 by…

  • Adapting School-Based Research Procedures to a Post-Covid World

    Gabriela Memba & Gretchen Perhamus Adapting School-Based ResearchProcedures to a Post-Covid World by Gabriela Memba, MA & Gretchen Perhamus, MAState University of New York at Buffalo When considering the past year and a half, the list is endless regarding how COVID-19 has changed the way we go about our lives. Just as individuals were forced to…

  • Models of Personality-Psychopathology Relations

    Models of Personality-Psychopathology Relations

    by Alexander Williams, MSNorthwestern University Cross-sectional inquiries make clear that personality and psychopathology are reliably linked (Kotov et al., 2010).  For decades, theorists have proposed and studied a set of models that purport to account for the overlap between personality and psychopathology.  Research in this area has the potential to guide prevention efforts (via targeting…

  • Developing Evidence-based Culturally Responsive Clinical Interventions: Barriers and Potential Solutions

    Developing Evidence-based Culturally Responsive Clinical Interventions: Barriers and Potential Solutions

    by Shannon M. Savell, M.A., University of Virginia Many scholars have asserted that one vast improvement in the field of clinical psychology over the past few decades has been advances in examining both the efficacy and effectiveness of different therapeutic treatment modalities and a move towards evidence-based practice (Spring, 2007). Developing empirically supported treatments and utilizing…

  • The Need for Good Practices in Quantitative Methods for Clinical Students

    The Need for Good Practices in Quantitative Methods for Clinical Students

    by Julianna R. Calabrese, The Ohio State University Quantitative methods are critical for psychological research and are fundamental to psychology curricula. Structural equation modeling, item response theory, and multilevel modeling have recently been brought to the forefront in graduate curriculums (Aiken et al., 2008). In parallel, recent research in journals have employed increasingly advanced statistical techniques…

  • Integrating Single-Session Intervention Approaches Into Clinical Training Programs

    Integrating Single-Session Intervention Approaches Into Clinical Training Programs

    by Riley McDanal, Stony Brook University At a time when so many people struggle to access necessary care, single-session intervention approaches can connect such individuals with immediate, action-oriented support. In turn, these single-session interventions offer training clinicians experience with a variety of clientele and presenting problems, count toward clinical hours, require minimal supervision, and bring in…

  • Clinician History Interview: Danielle M. Novick, PhD

    Clinician History Interview: Danielle M. Novick, PhD

    by Molly Bowdring, M.S., University of Pittsburgh For many graduate students, the decision to pursue a clinical or research career is a difficult one. For some though, it is a clear choice. When Dr. Danielle M. Novick was a graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh (2002-2010), she was excitedly intending to pursue a tenure-track research…

  • Tips for Getting a Predoctoral NRSA: Perspective from a Woman Scientist (and Her Imposter Syndrome)

    Tips for Getting a Predoctoral NRSA: Perspective from a Woman Scientist (and Her Imposter Syndrome)

    by Parisa Kaliush, University of Utah If you’re like me, you entered your clinical psychology doctoral program with serious doubts about your potential as a researcher. As a woman-identified graduate student, I was acutely aware of longstanding wage and status disparities between men and women psychologists. I convinced myself that I would earn my Ph.D., become…

  • Using a Trauma-Informed Lens for Understanding Experiences of Discrimination

    Using a Trauma-Informed Lens for Understanding Experiences of Discrimination

    by Keisha D. Novak, Adilene Osnaya, Allycen R. Kurup, & Kelly L. LeMaire, Purdue University Racism, sexism, heterosexism, and other prejudicial attitudes pervade health and mental health care (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001; Carter, 1995, 2005). For example, racial disparities have persisted for decades such that Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) face myriad…

  • Post-doc Spotlight: Shannon Blakey, PhD

    Post-doc Spotlight: Shannon Blakey, PhD

    by Samantha Hellberg, UNC Chapel Hill Dr. Shannon Blakey is a postdoctoral fellow at the VA Mid-Atlantic Mental Illness, Research, Education and Clinical Center, a translational research center at the Durham VA Health Care System. She received her PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) after completing her clinical…

  • Selflessly Selfish: Barriers and Recommendations for Self-Care

    Selflessly Selfish: Barriers and Recommendations for Self-Care

    by Tyler McFayden, M.S., Virginia Tech  The day to day of a graduate student is, overall, markedly selfless– we care for our lab, conduct work for our mentor, provide mentorship to undergraduate students, counsel our cohort, and primarily provide clinical services to those in need in our communities. Graduate studies are full of pressures to…