Tag: Clinical Psychology

  • Dear Therapists: An Interview with Lori Gottlieb on Navigating Graduate School and Beyond

    by Madeline Pike, M.A., Temple University Lori Gottlieb is a psychotherapist, New York Times bestselling author of “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone” and “Marry Him,” TED Speaker, co-host of the popular “Dear Therapists” podcast, and “Dear Therapist” columnist for The Atlantic. Her books have sold over one million copies worldwide. In her work, Lori…

  • The History and Future of Preparing for Predoctoral Internship Programs

    Gabriella Memba, M.A., University at Buffalo Coming from a clinical science background, I approached the predoctoral internship application process as I would a research paper. I spent days upon days scouring the internet and speaking with my colleagues and mentors in an effort to learn as much as I could about the Do’s and Don’ts…

  • University of Pittsburgh is Reaccredited

    On July 3, 2024, the PCSAS Review Committee voted to reaccredit the clinical science program at the University of Pittsburgh. The PCSAS Board of Directors endorsed the RC’s vote. Congratulations to our colleagues at Pitt!

  • University of Rochester Now Accredited by PCSAS

    In a meeting held on May 22, 2024, the PCSAS Review Committee voted to grant accreditation to the University of Rochester’s clinical science program. The PCSAS Board of Directors endorsed that decision. The University of Rochester becomes the 48th program to be recognized by PCSAS. We welcome our colleagues from Rochester to the PCSAS family.

  • Emory University Reaccredited

    On May 22, 2024, the PCSAS Review Committee voted to reaccredit Emory University. The PCSAS Board of Directors endorsed the RC’s vote. Congratulations to our colleagues at Emory!

  • University of Miami now accredited by PCSAS

    In a February meeting, the PCSAS Review Committee voted to grant accreditation to the University of Miami’s clinical science program. The PCSAS Board of Directors endorsed that decision. The University of Miami becomes the 47th program to be recognized by PCSAS. We welcome our colleagues from the University of Miami to the PCSAS family.

  • Financial Debt and Stress in Clinical Psychology Doctoral Students

    Financial Debt and Stress in Clinical Psychology Doctoral Students

    by Erica Szkody, Ph.D.*  &  Steven Hobaica, Ph.D.*** Stony Brook University; ** The Trevor Project Graduate student debt loads are steadily rising, and financial stress remains a significant stressor for many graduate students. In our recent study (Szkody et al., 2022; (N = 912), the average clinical psychology doctoral student loan debt was $76,000 by…

  • Models of Personality-Psychopathology Relations

    Models of Personality-Psychopathology Relations

    by Alexander Williams, MSNorthwestern University Cross-sectional inquiries make clear that personality and psychopathology are reliably linked (Kotov et al., 2010).  For decades, theorists have proposed and studied a set of models that purport to account for the overlap between personality and psychopathology.  Research in this area has the potential to guide prevention efforts (via targeting…

  • I Got An Invite! Now What?

    I Got An Invite! Now What?

    by Molly Bowdring, University of Pittsburgh Now that the internship application season has come to a close, students who have gone through the process are eager to share strategies aimed at helping you to minimize your burden and maximize your likelihood of success. Specifically, we highlight approaches for navigating one aspect of the application process:…

  • Taking on Teletherapy: Experiences and Recommendations from a PCSAS Training Clinic Adapting to COVID-19

    Taking on Teletherapy: Experiences and Recommendations from a PCSAS Training Clinic Adapting to COVID-19

    by Matthew V. Elliott, Suzanne M. Shdo, & Esther Howe, UC Berkeley Acknowledgement: The authors would like to acknowledge Nancy H. Liu, PhD, Nina F. Dronkers, PhD, Nadine M. Tang, LCSW, and Robert W. Levenson, PhD, for their contributions to this article and the clinic.  With over 2 million confirmed cases worldwide and most of the…

  • Improving the Mentor-Mentee Relationship

    Improving the Mentor-Mentee Relationship

    by Atina Manvelian, The Academy of Psychological Clinical Science Student Engagement Committee Beginning a 5- to 6-year doctoral program in clinical psychology is a massive endeavor that undoubtedly calls into question one’s professional capabilities and identity in the field. Can I continuously analyze data and publish in top-tier scientific journals? Will I make a good therapist? How…

  • Licensure and PCSAS: Commonalities and Differences Across States

    Licensure and PCSAS: Commonalities and Differences Across States

    by Stephanie L. Haft, UC Berkeley After graduate school, internship, and postdoc, there is still one more step to complete in order to independently work with clients as a psychologist: licensure. To be licensed, all states have requirements that are typically under the jurisdiction of state licensing boards. The state uses these licensing requirements to establish…