• Resident or Intern? Recent Discourse on Reorganization of the Pre-Doctoral Internship

    The origins of the predoctoral internship in psychology date most officially to the 1940s, meaning that nearly a century of psychologists have navigated the intense process that stands between dissertation and doctorate (Morrow, 1946). Currently, psychology graduates enter the match in the year before their intended internship and are not eligible for conferral of the…

  • On Planning the Clinical Science Summit

    On Planning the Clinical Science Summit

    by Cindy Yee-Bradbury, Ph.D., Past-President, Academy of Psychological Clinical Science (APCS)               In 2019, I began to consider priorities that would focus my efforts as the newly-elected president of the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science (APCS). One immediate goal was to reduce barriers to a clinical science education, which we began…

  • Since the Summit: Future Directions

    Since the Summit: Future Directions

    by Tom Rodebaugh, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill            Since the Summit, the Planning Committee has been working on how to move the work of the Summit out into the world. (See Cindy Yee-Bradbury’s description of the background of the Summit for more details about the planning committee.) I…