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Why Choose to Train at a PCSAS-Accredited Program?

Choosing what type of clinical psychology program to attend to complete your doctoral training is a major decision! While attending a PCSAS-accredited program offers several advantages, it is essential to consider your career goals and preferences when making this decision. PCSAS-accredited programs adhere to the clinical science model which is intended to set students up for a wide range of careers. Programs accredited by PCSAS can play a vital role in helping future scientists achieve their career goals in several ways:

Emphasis on Scientific Rigor: PCSAS programs place a strong emphasis on science in in both research and clinical training. Students and faculty in PCSAS-accredited programs conduct empirical research in clinical psychology, contributing to the scientific understanding of mental health.

Excellence in Clinical Training: PCSAS-accredited programs are must offer comprehensive clinical training. Indeed, over 97% of students from PCSAS-accredited programs successfully match in the first round of the APPIC process. Further, over 97% of students from PCSAS-accredited programs pass their state licensing exams.

Emphasis on DEIJ: PCSAS cares about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice for all and thus requires all of its accredited programs to demonstrate their commitment to DEIJ in all aspects of their program, including research and clinical training.

Ensuring Quality Education: PCSAS accreditation ensures that programs meet rigorous standards in education and training. This quality assurance is crucial for future scientists, as it guarantees they receive a comprehensive and rigorous education that prepares them for their chosen professional pathway.

Facilitating Research Opportunities: PCSAS programs often provide extensive research opportunities to those pursuing a research-related career in clinical psychology. PCSAS programs have faculty members who are active researchers and experts in their fields. These faculty provide valuable mentorship and research guidance.

Evidence-Based Practice: All PCSAS programs train students for evidence-based practices. If you want to ensure that your clinical work is grounded in the latest research findings and that you can critically evaluate and apply research in clinical settings, PCSAS-accredited programs offer this type of training.

Competitive Advantage: Graduating from a PCSAS-accredited program can enhance competitiveness in both the academic and clinical job markets. PCSAS training may also be advantageous when applying for research-focused fellowships as most, if not all, of the top clinical psychology programs are accredited by PCSAS.

Preparing for a Wide Variety of Careers: PCSAS-accredited programs emphasize engagement in scientific training, the development of research and grant writing skills, while also providing exposure to evidence-based practices that can equip future clinical scientists with the necessary tools and knowledge to excel in clinical, academic, and industry positions.

Preparation for Academic Roles: For those aspiring to become professors or researchers in the academic world, PCSAS programs provide the training and experience necessary to excel in these roles, including teaching, research, and grant writing.

Mentorship: PCSAS-accredited programs have faculty members who are active researchers, clinicians, and experts in their respective fields. This provides students with valuable mentorship and research guidance, which is crucial for future clinical scientists.

Networking: PCSAS-accredited programs often have strong connections with academic institutions, research centers, and healthcare facilities. These connections can facilitate networking and collaboration opportunities that can benefit future careers.

Ultimately, the choice of attending a PCSAS-accredited program or another type of program should be driven by your career aspirations and interests. PCSAS urges students to carefully assess a program’s curriculum, faculty expertise, and opportunities for research and clinical training to determine which educational path best suits your career goals!