Individual donors who share the values and goals of PCSAS may contribute at whatever level their personal circumstances permit. Personal donations to PCSAS are fully tax deductible. PCSAS publishes a report in which it acknowledges donors and expresses gratitude. Larger contributions to PCSAS would receive distinctive recognition. All donations from private contributors are welcome. Potential patrons also are encouraged to consider making future donations by including PCSAS in their estate plan. PCSAS is very grateful to all our friends who have made significant contributions. Those contributors include (*donates contributions in multiple years):
- Anonymous*
- David Barlow
- K. Berkowsky
- Donald Fowles
- Peter Herman
- Janet Polivy
- Gregory A. Miller
- Jill Hooley
- John McSweeny Levine
- Henry L. Roediger
- J.R. Rosen
- M. Vipperman
- Sarah Brookhart*
- Don Fowles*
- S. Weinstein
- Richard and Kathleen McFall*
- Alan Kraut and Jane Steinberg*
- Robert Simons and Mary Graham
Next: How to Support PCSAS