Category: Professional Development for Therapists

  • Revise and Resubmit: Tips for Successful Response to Reviewer Feedback

    First off, congratulations on receiving a revise and resubmit! Before you do anything else (including reading the rest of this article) go treat yourself, whether that means grabbing a fancy coffee, going for a long walk with a good friend, or binge watching your favorite series on Netflix (go ahead, I’ll wait).  Okay, now that…

  • Building positive community connections to facilitate trust and enrich research impact

    Building positive community connections to facilitate trust and enrich research impact

    The importance of building positive relationships between research institutions and community members to facilitate equitable, diverse, and impactful research has been increasingly recognized in recent years. However, while some fields have found success in increasing community engagement (e.g., public health, implementation science), psychology continues to lag behind in developing key community relationships (Collins et al.,…

  • Conducting transparent, accessible research as graduate students: Myths about Open Science

    Conducting transparent, accessible research as graduate students: Myths about Open Science

    Open science in psychology refers to transparent and collaborative practices prioritizing more accessibility and reproducibility in research processes. In the past decade, pre-registration has soared from a few-known initiatives to thousands per year (Simmons et al., 2021). Open science has gained popularity because researchers can frequently use this practice to gain more citations, form more…

  • The Greatest Barrier to Open Access: The Pay to Play Model of Academic Publishing

    The Greatest Barrier to Open Access: The Pay to Play Model of Academic Publishing

    by Thomas Harrison, M.A., Stony Brook University The concept of increasing scientific communication originates in academic publishing in 1665 (Fyfe, 2015). Indeed, the longest running scientific journal, the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society was founded to embody empirical philosophy set forth by Sir Frances Bacon (The Royal Publishing Society, n.dab). Here, the sole goal…

  • A Brief Report of Digital Therapy Platforms

    A Brief Report of Digital Therapy Platforms

    by Vansh Bansal, M.A., Virginia Tech When the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted the traditional provision of psychological services, telehealth sessions became the “new normal:” one large provider, for example, shifted from near-zero to over a thousand telehealth visits per day (Woski et al., 2020). This newfound need for virtual care, coupled with disproportionate lack of mental…

  • Dear Therapists: An Interview with Lori Gottlieb on Navigating Graduate School and Beyond

    Dear Therapists: An Interview with Lori Gottlieb on Navigating Graduate School and Beyond

    by Madeline Pike, M.A., Temple University Lori Gottlieb is a psychotherapist, New York Times bestselling author of “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone” and “Marry Him,” TED Speaker, co-host of the popular “Dear Therapists” podcast, and “Dear Therapist” columnist for The Atlantic. Her books have sold over one million copies worldwide. In her work, Lori…